Posts Tagged ‘Une aventure New-Yorkais’

The Great SXSW 2010 Preview Dump: Emerging Visions, Part 1

March 11, 2010

The legendary Austin hospitality is especially extended to first-time filmmakers. That’s what the Emerging Visions section is about—highlighting the talent making the move from attention-getting short to career-making features. In with a chance this time around are documentaries tackling topics like Bill Hicks and bears, as well as features revolving around mung beans and android love.

Read our SXSW Headliners Preview.
Read the first part of our SXSW Spotlight Premieres preview.
Read the second part of our SXSW Spotlight Premieres preview.
Read our SXSW Narrative Features Competition preview.
Read our SXSW Documentary Features Competition preview.


Remember 2008? Man, wasn’t that a time! We were all running around, registering to vote, filled with hope in our hearts, shouting “Yes, we can!” at the top of their lungs … 2010 and the suck has set in. That hasn’t stopped director Jeff Deutchman, so inspired by the spirit of the times that he made this documentary on what people were doing the day Barack Obama was elected president.

A Different Path

For many, getting to work means jumping into the car and enduring a slow commute to the infernal chatter of morning zoo radio. Problem is, all this four-wheeled to-ing and fro-ing is killing our planet by degrees. Monteith McCollum took his cameras and went looking for those who do it differently. He found a quartet of characters who have taken to the pavement and waterways to get to work.


Trailerama: Une aventure New-Yorkais (A NY Thing)

March 1, 2010

In this French film, Jean turns up in New York looking for the girl who left him behind in France. It’s been a while since we’ve seen an innocent abroad comedy from the European perspective, but the familiar elements of loneliness and cultural quirks are in place. There are complications when Jean becomes attracted to a girl (La petite Jerusalem‘s Fanny Valette) he met in the airport. The real emphasis, however, seems to be on a Frenchman’s Empire state of mind. Warning: This five-minute-long trailer appears to retell the entirety of Olivier Lécot’s movie. Screening at this year’s SXSW festival.